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a-eJS ⚡

Go to a (internal) URL faster than you can blink 👁! Cool, right?! It's easy to use. Just stick the CDN in your head tags:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/a-ejs/a-e.js"></script>

And then give any HTML a tag the is="a-e" tag and your done!

<a href="/a-e.html" is="a-e">Go to A-E!</a>

Output: Go to A-E! And that's it!

How does this even work?

  1. a-eJS creates a custom HTML element
  2. Once the page loads, a-e preloads all the URLs from a link and stores it in an array
  3. When a user clicks on a URL, a-e prevents the actual page from loading and, instead, rewrites the document with the preloaded HTML
  4. a-e uses a special browser API to change the URL of the browser without changing the content

Source code

Github, Readable and commented, Minified